You know that you are a true dog lover if:
you like the smell of your dogs breath – even after a visit of a dried fish in the dogs mouth
you haven’t seen your own doctor in years – but the vet? two days ago
you laugh out loud when your dog is wet and shaking his whole body in your kitchen
you accept sitting scrunched in the corner of the couch as long as your dog is comfy by your side
your best conversations are with your dog(s)
you can’t walk by a dog without the urge to pet it
your kids toys are in their rooms – your dogs toys are all over the house
you only go to places where its allowed to bring your dog(s)
a dog-forrest is like Disney Land to you – you can’t stop smiling when you are there – you’re happy
you cook meat for your dog(s) – and your husband, but you don’t eat meat
you know all the names of of all the dogs in your neighborhood – but don’t know the names of your human neighbors.
you ask any one who walked your dog without you present – how the dogs poop looked today?
you accept the fact that none of the clothes you wear is without fur (from the dogs) – ever! –
eventhough you are against the fur-industry
My name is Ibbe – I am a dog lover – by heart
Ann-Dorit skriver
Indeed, you are a dog lover by heart – and more….There are clicker trainers and people training with a clicker. You are a true clicker trainer by heart <3.